Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Home today, after two weeks in, with strict instructions for a further two weeks off.

I have been struggling against this reflexive accreting of tasks and responsibilities, and I have managed to keep the tasks down to three.

I am going to write and read only what brings me pleasure, nothing that is the fullfilment of a duty.

I am going to feed and water the chooks, and sit in spring sunlight and gaze at them.

I am going down to the sea, a few kilometers away, like I have been saying I will do for the last seven years. Seven years in a coastal city without going down to the sea.

And I am going to be a good husband.

Pretty much all I have to say.

Thanks for listening. Will be able to read, and respond, shortly.


Blogger Champurrado said...

Three is a good start. Welcome home.

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a talented and inspiring writer. You remind me of my favourite author, Kurt Vonnegut.

Keep raging, Bronze John!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

I'm so glad you are home with the cats and TduCN (I'm betting she's glad too). Enjoy the fowl, the seaside, the home. Porcine, bovine, and ovine hugs, hogs, etc.

I'm wishing you well. Having been married to a mentally ill man who never willingly sought treatment, I can say that by openly accepting your illness and seeking help, you are definitely doing your best to comply with the fourth item on your three item list (I thought math was something you needed to be good at in medicine? Oh well, use a calculator when figuring doses.), and in marriage really, really trying makes up for a multitude of sins.

Good luck and my very best to TduCN. And I hope writing in this blog is always a pleasure, not a duty. It's a pleasure for me to read, even when you write about painful and difficult things. Much love and more hogs.

12:14 AM  

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